Guaicamacuto-class Patrol Boat
From Canadian Power Wiki
The Guaicamacuto-class patrol vessels (Avante 1400) is a class of offshore patrol vessels or BVL (Spanish: Buque de Vigilancia de Litoral) in Venezuelan Navy service for patrol duty in economic exclusive zone. The contract for the BVL and POVZEE was signed together on the November 25th, 2005. The last vessel ARV Tamanaco, would be constructed locally at the Venezuelan National Dams and Shipyards (DIANCA) in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.
Unit Run[edit | edit source]
- ARV Guaicamacuto (GC-21)
- ARV Yaviré (GC-22)
- ARV Naiguatá (CG-23)
- ARV Tamanaco (CG-24)