Bruce Nuclear Generating Station
Bruce Nuclear Generating Station is a Canadian nuclear power station located on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, in the communities of Inverhuron and Tiverton, Ontario. It occupies 932 ha (2300 acres) of land. The facility derives its name from Bruce County in which it is located, in the former Bruce Township. It is the largest nuclear generating station in the world by total reactor count, and number of operational reactors.
Formerly known as the Bruce Nuclear Power Development (BNPD), the facility was constructed in stages between 1970 and 1987 by the provincial Crown Corporation Ontario Hydro.
The Bruce station is the largest nuclear facility in the world, comprising 8 CANDU nuclear reactors having a total output of 6,272 MW and 7,276 MW (net) when all units are online. The Bruce station has three double-circuit 500 kV transmission lines going out of it to feed the major load centres in southern Ontario, in addition to three double-circuit 230 kV lines serving the local area.
The station is the largest employer in Bruce County, with 3800 workers.