Airbus A330 MRTT
From Canadian Power Wiki

A Royal Air Force A330 MRTT during the 2011 Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford.
The Airbus A330 MRTT (also referred to as the CC-160 Arcturus in the Canadian Forces) is an aerial refueling tanker aircraft based on the civilian Airbus A330-200. The A330 MRTT is in service in the Armée de l'Air, Canadian Forces Air Command, Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, Portuguese Air Force, Republic of Singapore Air Force, Royal Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Saudi Air Force, and United Arab Emirates Air Force. The EADS/Northrop Grumman KC-45 was a version of the A330 MRTT proposed for the United States Air Force.
Variants[edit | edit source]
- Airbus A330 MRTT: An Airbus A330-200 converted by Airbus Military for air-refuelling duties.
- CC-160 Arcturus: Canadian designation for the A330 MRTT.
- KC-30A:Australian designation for an A330 MRTT with two under-wing refuelling pods and an Aerial Refuelling Boom System.
- KC-45A Mesotanker: United States Air Force designation for an A330 MRTT with two under-wing refuelling pods and an Aerial Refuelling Boom System.
- Voyager KC2: Royal Air Force designation for an A330 MRTT with two Cobham 905 under-wing pods, primarily used for refuelling fast jets.
- Voyager KC3: Royal Air Force designation for an A330 MRTT with two under-wing pods and a "Cobham Fuselage Refuelling Unit (FRU)" for a centreline refuelling capability, primarily used for refuelling large aircraft.
Users[edit | edit source]
- Australia
- Royal Australian Air Force x 10
- Belgium
- Belgian Air Component x 4
- Brazil
- Brazilian Air Force x 2
- Canada
- Royal Canadian Air Force x 14
- Egypt
- Egyptian Air Force x 2
- France
- Armee de l'Air x 20
- Germany
- Luftwaffe x 12
- India
- Indian Air Force x 6
- Indonesia
- Indonesian Air Force x 2+
- Iran
- Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force x 12
- Republic of Korea
- Republic of Korea Air Force x 4
- Luxembourg
- Luxembourg Air Force x 1
- NATO Airlift Wing x 8
- Netherlands
- Royal Netherlands Air Force x 2
- Norway
- Royal Norwegian Air Force x 2
- Poland
- Polish Air Force
- Portugal
- Portuguese Air Force x 6
- Qatar
- Qatar Emiri Air Force x 2
- Saudi Arabia
- Royal Saudi Air Force x 6
- Singapore
- Republic of Singapore Air Force x 6
- Spain
- Spanish Air Force x 4 - 4 more on order
- United Arab Emirates
- United Arab Emirates Air Force x 4 - 2 more on order
- United Kingdom
- Royal Air Force x 20
- United States
- United States Air Force x 180 - see Northrop Grumman KC-45 Mesotanker
See Also[edit | edit source]
Related Development[edit | edit source]
Comparable Aircraft[edit | edit source]
- Airbus
- Aircraft
- Belgian Air Force
- Brazilian Air Force
- Egyptian Air Force
- French Air Force
- Indian Air Force
- Indonesian Air Force
- Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force
- Luftwaffe
- Luxembourg Air Force
- Polish Air Force
- Portuguese Air Force
- Qatar Emiri Air Force
- Republic of Korea Air Force
- Republic of Singapore Air Force
- Royal Air Force
- Royal Australian Air Force
- Royal Canadian Air Force
- Royal Netherlands Air Force
- Royal Norwegian Air Force
- Royal Saudi Air Force
- Spanish Air Force
- Transport Aircraft
- United Arab Emirates Air Force
- United States Air Force